Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Nokia Duel boot phone Vs Android: Officeil update.

"I am pretty sure there are many peoples like me who are sick of *Nokia Must Go Android* argument."

Nokia and Microsoft Windows Phone

I have explained it many times in comments the reasons why Nokia mustn’t go with Android but I guess a entire article must be necessary to get those people to understand why Nokia shouldn’t Go Android (However, I am sure they won’t understand this either).
1. Android is Big Pond with so many fishes and even sharks. Nokia is what I define right now is the wounded fish which is trying to recover, however when you jump on a big pond with so many threats its not easy to survive.
2. Now there are peoples who suggest that Nokia should go for Android as well as Windows Phone. No matter how bright this idea sounds it has its cons that are enough to suggest that its a bad decision
a. Android has so many OEMs and so many options even if Nokia makes an Android Phone how are they supposed to differentiate from the crowd, sure 1020 is super different but just based on that who wanna buy all products Nokia will put out?
b. Given Nokia has what you call Best Brand Value it still doesn’t have a brand value inside of Android for example like Samsung has with Galaxy.
c. Jumping on two boats is never a smart option
d. They will lose their identity as only Windows Phone Maker.
e. Nokia is not healthy enough to push android devices not enough capital to experiment(NSN Purchase)
3. Android is a Open Source OS with every XYZ company making a SmartPhone and also calling it the *Best SmartPhone Ever*, so small players will eventually phase out Samsung, LG, Sony etc etc. Don’t believe me? Read the IDC analysis it will give you a hint of future of Android.
4. Microsoft practically plays nice with Nokia because Nokia is making their Windows Phone a Viable Option, Yes I love Microsoft but truth be told if it wasn’t for Nokia, Windows Phone would have been over by now. So now when Nokia faces issues Sugar daddy is there and if Nokia goes android they are giving away a reason for MIcrosoft to back away.
5. Think about Nokia what comes in your Mind, whatever the thoughts are i am sure Windows Phone is also a part of it, so when someone shows their android phone to me I pull out my Lumia from my pocket and frankly they are like WOW. Because its different not blends in with crowd of Android Phones from every cheap company ever.
6. Windows Phone are taking of now, Yes it wasn’t this late Elop has thought but strategy is paying off, sales of Lumias are increasing every quarter that’s a positive sign.
7. Nokia is a company I know from my early days of phones, Playing Space Impact, Snake, Taking my first Photograph from a phone ever and I am sure many peoples have same memories and have a special place for Nokia and by being different from crowd they make em special(I know this one doesn’t have much logic but in all fairness i am a Nokia Fan)
So, these are my reasons for why Nokia shouldn’t go Android what you all think?

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